Sunday, November 11, 2007

Small Business Ideas Podcast

Wow, has it really been 12 days since our last idea post? It's time to get cranked up again.

I spent last week at BlogWorld Expo and came back with a ton of ideas. Check back frequently during the next month.

Coming this week we'll have two new case studies for you. Until we get those up, I thought I would share one of my favorite idea generating podcasts with you: The Wall Street Journal Small Business report.

This particular episode covers Finding Sales in a Slow Economy, Forums for Entrepreneurs, and faxing.

Click on the link below and it will take you the mp3 podcast file. It should start playing if you have any time of audio player on your computer. If not, right click on the link below and download the file to play on Windows Media Player, Quicktime, or iTunes.

Here's the link: Wall Street Journal Small Business Report

And...if you've been thinking about blogging, check out the latest entries on our other blog: The Marketing Spot. I go over some of the reasons small businesses should blog.

For more information on our company, check out

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